Mayashanti5282046’s Blog



Posted by mayashanti5282046 于 4月 28, 2010




该纪录片由周泽南拍摄和制作,主要讲述在1998年年底,为了让位给著名的巴贡水坝的兴建,而被逼搬迁到Sungai Asap和Sungai Koyan重置区的大约1万名原住民的遭遇。


当周泽南询问其公司高层停播的理由时,新闻总监Jumat Engson向他表明,那是电视台总监的决定,也代表他自己的立场。他说:“纪录片里面可能含有对诗巫补选和砂州州选不利的访谈和内容,所以必须停播。他不排除当“情况允许时”(州选过后),可能才允许播放。


周泽南对于他所访问的Sungai Asap原住民深感抱歉和遗憾,因为新闻干预已经导致他们的心声和建议无法被国家,以及广大的东西马听阅人所了解和关心。他认为国营电视台的停播指令,不仅剥夺了砂拉越原住民的言论自由,和听阅人的知情权,更完全抵触了首相“一个马来西亚”口号所提倡的“人民为先”的精神。如果诗巫补选和砂州州选因素可以成为停播的理由,国营电视台总监实行的就是“政治为先”的自我过滤和审查手段,彻底违背了新闻从业员的专业伦理和操守。




2.Sungai Asap重置区原住民生活现况纪录片简介

这一系列的纪录片着重介绍因为巴贡水坝的兴建而在1998年,必须搬迁到水坝下游Sungai Asap和Sungai Koyan地区的大约一万名原住民的社会影响。纪录片原定于4月26日(星期一)至5月7日,总共10天,在第二电视台中午1220分播出。


第九集:水坝下游布拉甲地区的原住民习俗地土地权问题。以Long Bangan为例。.
第十集:Sungai Asap居民向州政府和水坝发展商所提出的“巴贡合约”的12点要求。

Another News Interference

TV2 Documentary Series On Bakun Dam Were Forced To Off The Air


Chou Z Lam( TV2 producer)

A TV2 documentary series which is to be on aired from 26 April to 7 May, at 12.20pm to 12.30pm under a mandarin program called Galeri Mandarin Nasional, were forced to off the air today(28.4.2010) under the direct instruction of RTM’s Ketua Pengarah Penyiaran Datuk Ibrahim Yahya.

2 episode of this documentary were on aired on Monday(26.4) and Tuesday(27.4) but forced to off the day today at 12.20pm.The documentary series is reporting on social impact faced by more than 10,000 natives of Belaga area, who were forced to be relocated to Sungai Asap and Sungai Koyan area in 1998, to give way to the construction of famous Bakun Dam.(unforfunately not a prestigious one)

Chou Z Lam, producer of the documentary believe this off the air action, is another news interference incident by BN government during and after the Hulu Selangor by election.When he approached his supervisors and several officers of RTM to obtain explanation of the off the air decision,Ketua Pengarah Bilik Berita,Jumat Engson, who said he can fully responsible on that decision, told Chou that this was due to some “sensitive elements” in the documentary which could seems harmfull to the on coming Sibu by election as well as the Sarawak state election. He also said the documentary could be postponed to other time when situation allowed.(after the state election)

Chou felt regret to the decision made by RTM management and he personally made an appeal to the Deputy Minister of News, communication,culture and arts YB Ng Sai Kee to interfere and resolve the matter. Unfortunately, the deputy minister failed to assist and only telling Chou that “we would not interfere into your(RTM) internal matter.”She only communicated with Chou via her private secretary, Mr Lee.

Chou felt deeply sorry for the peoples of Sungai Asap whom he had interviewed, for their problems and voices is being prevented to be heard by majority of the peoples both in east Malaysia and west Malaysia.He think RTM’s measure to suppress the audience as well as the natives of Sarawak is totally against what has been championed by our PM through his 1 Malaysia slogan, which claimt “people first”( rakyat didahulukan) If Sibu by election and Sarawak state election are the reasons for this off the air action, then, what RTM implementing is actually “ politik diutamakan”.

He would like the RTM ketua pengarah to reconsider the off the air decision, so that RTM’s creditability can be restored and benefit of the natives as well as the audience can be assured.


1.Carta organisasi RTM.

2.Introduction to Documentary On Sungai Asap Resettlement

A documentary series on Social Impact of famous bakun dam on 10,000 indigenous peoples who have been resettled to Sungai Asap and Sungai Koyan area during 1998, will be on aired next Monday( 26.4.2010) till 7.5.2010, at TV2, 1220pm to 1230pm.

This series covers:
1. Economic crisis faced my native from 15 longhouses in resettlement areas
(on aired on Monday. 26.4.2010)
2. Shortage of farm land and land not suitable for farming which were given by state government of Sarawak to the natives as compensation.
(on aired on Tuesday. 27.4.2010)
3. Problems of agriculture and shortage of agri facilities, subsidies etc, whereby almost 90% of the relocated natives were farmers.
(supposed to be on air by Wednesday. 28.4.2010, but called off)
4. Serious drop out rate of native children in Sungai Asap area due to transport problem and extreme poverty.
5. Unresolved compensation promised by government and dam developer to pay affected natives on old long houses, NCR land at old place, fruit trees and harvest at old land.
(Friday. 30.4.2010)
6. Economic and energy analysis of Bakun dam, why public fund like EPF has been used, do we need the dam
(Monday. 3.5.2010)
7. Destiny of ancestral graves in Bakun area which were moved( for those able to be located and identified) and which were left submerged under 205m water in the reservoir area.
(Tuesday. 4.5.2010)
8. Impact of Bakun dam on livelihoods of downstream longhouses
(Wed. 5.5.10)
9. Issues of NCR land encroachment within and outside Asap resettlement area, with case study at Long Bangan.
10. Initiatives of Asap residents to request gov and dam developer to meet their needs through 12 point of “Perjanjian Bakun”.

17条回应 to “再度干预电视台新闻自由,《前线视窗》播出巴贡水坝课题被临时抽起”

  1. […] From TV2 producer Chou Z Lam’s blog: […]

  2. […] rencana di blognya, penerbit dokumentari itu, Chou Z Lam, mendedahkan rancangan itu diarah tidak disiarkan oleh […]

  3. said

    希望你继续制作有深度的片子,离职不是唯一的选择。试 试把文章和通告放在Facebook,比较多人能看到,也可交换想法。

  4. […] rencana di blognya, penerbit dokumentari itu, Chou Z Lam, mendedahkan rancangan itu diarah tidak disiarkan oleh […]

  5. said


    Ceci Sow 周 建兴 连新闻自主权也失去的话,这还叫什么民主制度??

  6. […] Source […]

  7. Lee yew Fook said

    周先生,为了新闻自由,言论自由,完全支持你的行动, 你不会孤单的。大同文物管李优福。

    • mayashanti5282046 said



  8. said

    你自己开个户口吧, 读者会希望和你本尊交流, 很多自由写稿人像欧忠敏,马盛辉等人也在FB发表文章。

  9. […] Z Lam, the producer of the documentary, revealed in a blog post that this was another instance of news interference by the BN government during and after the Hulu […]

  10. sarawakian said

    Please broadcast the series in Youtube, there’s still hundreds and thousands of malaysian concerning about this country. Let the alternative media be the power of change! follow the MalaysiaToday/MalaysiaKini.

  11. […] a blog post today, the producer of the documentary, Chou Z Lam (left), revealed that the show was taken […]

  12. […] If you haven’t yet, I really hope you will read the full statements from both Wong and Chou. […]
